Sony India has launched two pairs of headphonesgoing by the model numbers MDR-XB450 and MDR-XB250 as well as a set of earphones called the MDR-AS200. The last one is aimed at those who like to take their music with them when they exercise or are engaged in other physical activities, while the first two are meant for users who love bass.
The Sony MDR-XB450 and MDR-XB250 are priced at Rs 1490 and Rs 2190, correspondingly, and will hit retail availability within this month itself. The former device’s predecessor dubbed MDR-XB400 was offered in three color options of green, blue and purple. The newer headphones are set to reach the Indian market in five hues of red, black, white, yellow and blue.
The MDR-XB450 is fitted with 30mm drivers and delivers a frequency response rate of 5Hz – 22000Hz. The accessory is finished in metal and drags along a flattish cord with a serrated exterior, the last mentioned of which reduces the chances of it getting all tangled up. You will be able to stow it away neatly owing to its swivel-style folding mechanism.
The Sony MDR-XB250 would have been very much like the MDR-XB45, with its 30mm drivers, serrated cord and swivel folding design if it wasn’t for its metal-shunning body. Coming to theearphones announced by the Japanese company, remember when we said that the MDR-AS200 is for active people? Well, it’s got a water-resistant build as also, 13.5mm drivers and adjustable ear loops.
And just like the other two which were unveiled today, the earphones tow along a flat cord. The pair costs Rs 790 and is expected to be made available later in September. As we’ve already mentioned above, the Sony MDR-XB250 and MDR-XB450 will be visible on shelves by August.
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